Sunday, November 28, 2010

Finally finish minus the threads but the one model I have been looking forward to seeing built is complete - The Mastodon MBT its look really good cant wait to texture all these vehicles then take them into the rigging stage


  1. This tank is fierce! So what course are you on, im guessing entertainment design (i think thats what they call it)?

  2. Well im going to be using it in my final year animation . Yeap I'm aiming for that entertainment design lot more freedom as to a industrial designer , as much as I like to make something 100% workable haha I do get lazy just so many more possibilities in entertainment design.Hoping to get into entertainment for games or movies , my drawings skills are so so . When drawing perspective I always am how you would say lol scared slowly getting out of that phase like i drew up the design first the side ones are the easiest for me . Looking forward to seeing more of ur stuff and love the Alfa what new technique did u try experementing with
